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Höcker, J.; Ozcan, M.; Hammer, S.; Fischer, M.; Bichler, B.; Armer, M.; Rieder, P.; Drach, V.; Pflaum, J.; Nickel, B.; Dyakonov, V. (2020): Seed crystal free growth of high-quality double cation-double halide perovskite single crystals for optoelectronic applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 24, 8275-8283.

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Balzer, C.; Waag, A. M.; Putz, F.; Huesing, N.; Paris, O.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V.; Reichenauer, G. (2019): Mechanical Characterization of Hierarchical Structured Porous Silica by in Situ Dilatometry Measurements during Gas Adsorption. Langmuir 35, 8, 2948-2956.

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Gasparini, N.; Kahmann, S.; Salvador, M.; Perea, J. D.; Sperlich, A.; Baumann, A.; Li, N.; Rechberger, S.; Spiecker, E.; Dyakonov, V.; Portale, G.; Loi, M. A.; Brabec, C. J.; Ameri, T. (2019): Favorable Mixing Thermodynamics in Ternary Polymer Blends for Realizing High Efficiency Plastic Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 9, 19.

Hammer, S.; Ferschke, T.; Eyb, G. V.; Pflaum, J. (2019): Phase transition induced spectral tuning of dual luminescent crystalline zinc-phthalocyanine thin films and OLEDs. Applied Physics Letters 115, 26.

Höcker, J.; Kiermasch, D.; Rieder, P.; Tvingstedt, K.; Baumann, A.; Dyakonov, V. (2019): Efficient Solution Processed CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with PolyTPD Hole Transport Layer. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences 74, 8, 665-672.

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Piedboeuf, M. L. C.; Léonard, A. F.; Reichenauer, G.; Balzer, C.; Job, N. (2019): How do the micropores of carbon xerogels influence their electrochemical behavior as anodes for lithium-ion batteries? Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 275, 278-287.

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Aygüler, M. F.; Hufnagel, A. G.; Rieder, P.; Wussler, M.; Jaegermann, W.; Bein, T.; Dyakonov, V.; Petrus, M. L.; Baumann, A.; Docampo, P. (2018): Influence of Fermi Level Alignment with Tin Oxide on the Hysteresis of Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 14, 11414-11419.

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Lederer, I.; Balzer, C.; Reichenauer, G. (2018): Contributions of storage sites located in micro- and meso/macropores to the capacitance of carbonaceous double layer capacitor electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 281, 753-760.

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Settelein, J.; Oehm, J.; Bozkaya, B.; Leicht, H.; Wiener, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Sextl, G. (2018): The external surface area of carbon additives - A key to enhance the dynamic charge acceptance of lead-carbon electrodes. In Chemistry and Materials for Lead-Based Batteries Symposium 2018. (Cambridge EnerTech, Cambridge Innovation Institute), pp 284-300

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Rydzek, M.; Reidinger, M.; Scherdel, C.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Manara, J. (2009): Low-emitting transparent coatings based on transparent conductive oxides via a sol-gel routine. High Temperatures - High Pressures 38, 3, 277-293,

Scherdel, C.; Reichenauer, G. (2009): Carbon xerogels synthesized via phenol-formaldehyde gels. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 126, 1-2, 133-142.

Scherdel, C.; Reichenauer, G. (2009): Microstructure and morphology of porous carbons derived from sucrose. Carbon 47, 4, 1102-1111.

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Swimm, K.; Reichenauer, G.; Vidi, S.; Ebert, H. P. (2009): Gas pressure dependence of the heat transport in porous solids with pores smaller than 10μm. International Journal of Thermophysics 30, 4, 1329-1342.

Swimm, K.; Weinläder, H.; Ebert, H. P. (2009): Influence of spacer systems on heat transfer in evacuated glazing. International Journal of Thermophysics 30, 3, 934-948.

Wiener, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Braxmeier, S.; Hemberger, F.; Ebert, H. P. (2009): Carbon aerogel-based high-temperature thermal insulation. International Journal of Thermophysics 30, 4, 1372-1385.

Winter, R.; Hammer, M. S.; Deibel, C.; Pflaum, J. (2009): Improvement of the poly-3-hexylthiophene transistor performance using small molecule contact functionalization. Applied Physics Letters 95, 26. 

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Hammer, M. S.; Rauh, D.; Lorrmann, V.; Deibel, C.; Dyakonov, V. (2008): Effect of doping- and field-induced charge carrier density on the electron transport in nanocrystalline ZnO. Nanotechnology 19, 48.

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Orlinskii, S. B.; Schmidt, J.; Baranov, P. G.; Lorrmann, V.; Riedel, I.; Rauh, D.; Dyakonov, V. (2008): Identification of shallow Al donors in Al-doped ZnO nanocrystals: EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77, 11.

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Drach, V.; Wiener, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2007): Determination of the anisotropic thermal conductivity of a carbon aerogel-fiber composite by a non-contact thermographic technique. International Journal of Thermophysics 28, 5, 1542-1562.

Günther, E.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S. (2007): Modeling of subcooling and solidification of phase change materials. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 15, 8, 879-892.

Günther, E.; Mehling, H.; Werner, M. (2007): Melting and nucleation temperatures of three salt hydrate phase change materials under static pressures up to 800 MPa. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 15, 4636-4641.

Hemberger, F.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2007): Determination of the local thermal diffusivity of inhomogeneous samples by a modified laser-flash method. International Journal of Thermophysics 28, 5, 1509-1521.

Manara, J.; Reidinger, M.; Korder, S.; Arduini-Schuster, M.; Fricke, J. (2007): Development and characterization of low-emitting ceramics. International Journal of Thermophysics 28, 5, 1628-1645.

Reichenauer, G. (2007): CO2 adsorption in synthetic hard carbons. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 351-356

Reichenauer, G.; Heinemann, U.; Ebert, H. P. (2007): Relationship between pore size and the gas pressure dependence of the gaseous thermal conductivity. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 300, 1-2 SPEC. ISS., 204-210.

Reichenauer, G.; Manara, J.; Weinläder, H. (2007): Strong light scattering upon capillary condensation in silica aerogels. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 25-32

Reichenauer, G.; Pfrang, T.; Hofmann, M. (2007): Drying of meso- and macroporous gels-Length change and drying dynamics. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 300, 1-2 SPEC. ISS., 211-215.

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Fricke, J.; Schwab, H.; Heinemann, U. (2006): Vacuum insulation panels - Exciting thermal properties and most challenging applications. International Journal of Thermophysics 27, 4, 1123-1139.

Lázaro, A.; Günther, E.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S.; Marín, J. M.; Zalba, B. (2006): Verification of a T-history installation to measure enthalpy versus temperature curves of phase change materials. Measurement Science and Technology 17, 8, 2168-2174.

Wiener, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Hemberger, F.; Ebert, H. P. (2006): Thermal conductivity of carbon aerogels as a function of pyrolysis temperature. International Journal of Thermophysics 27, 6, 1826-1843. 

Cabeza, L. F.; Roca, J.; Nogueés, M.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S. (2005): Long term immersion corrosion tests on metal-PCM pairs used for latent heat storage in the 24 to 29°C temperature range. Materials and Corrosion 56, 1, 33-39.

Manara, J.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (2005): Characterization of the pore structure of ceramics via propagation of light and infrared radiation. International Journal of Thermophysics 26, 2, 531-542.

Marín, J. M.; Zalba, B.; Cabeza, L. F.; Mehling, H. (2005): Improvement of a thermal energy storage using plates with paraffin-graphite composite. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48, 12, 2561-2570.

Neusinger, R.; Drach, V.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Computer simulations that illustrate the heat balance of landfills. International Journal of Thermophysics 26, 2, 519-530.

Reichenauer, G. (2005): Micropore adsorption dynamics in synthetic hard carbons. Adsorption 11, 1 SUPPL., 467-471.

Reim, M.; Körner, W.; Manara, J.; Korder, S.; Arduini-Schuster, M.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Silica aerogel granulate material for thermal insulation and daylighting. Solar Energy 79, 2, 131-139.

Riedel, I.; Von Hauff, E.; Parisi, J.; Martín, N.; Giacalone, F.; Dyakonov, V. (2005): Diphenylmethanofullerenes: New and efficient acceptors in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Advanced Functional Materials 15, 12, 1979-1987.
Rudtsch, S.; Ebert, H. P.; Hemberger, F.; Barth, G.; Brandt, R.; Groß, U.; Hohenauer, W.; Jaenicke-Roessler, K.; Kaschnitz, E.; Pfaff, E.; Pößnecker, W.; Pottlacher, G.; Rhode, M.; Wilthan, B. (2005): Intercomparison of thermophysical property measurements on an austenitic stainless steel. International Journal of Thermophysics 26, 3, 855-867.

Rzepka, M.; Bauer, E.; Reichenauer, G.; Schliermann, T.; Bernhardt, B.; Bohmhammel, K.; Henneberg, E.; Knoll, U.; Maneck, H. E.; Braue, W. (2005): Hydrogen storage capacity of catalytically grown carbon nanofibers. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 31, 14979-14989.

Schwab, H.; Heinemann, U.; Beck, A.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Dependence of thermal conductivity on water content in vacuum insulation panels with fumed silica kernels. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 28, 4, 319-326.

Schwab, H.; Heinemann, U.; Beck, A.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Permeation of different gases through foils used as envelopes for vacuum insulation panels. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 28, 4, 293-317.

Schwab, H.; Heinemann, U.; Beck, A.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Prediction of service life for vacuum insulation panels with fumed silica kernel and foil cover. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 28, 4, 357-374.

Schwab, H.; Heinemann, U.; Wachtel, J.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Predictions for the increase in pressure and water content of Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) integrated into building constructions using model calculations. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 28, 4, 327-344.

Schwab, H.; Stark, C.; Wachtel, J.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2005): Thermal bridges in vacuum-insulated building façades. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 28, 4, 345-355.

Weinläder, H.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (2005): PCM-facade-panel for daylighting and room heating. Solar Energy 78, 2, 177-186. 

Beck, A.; Heinemann, U.; Reidinger, M. (2004): Thermal Transport in Straw Insulation. Journal of Building Physics 27, 3, 227-234.

Beck, A.; Heinemann, U.; Reidinger, M.; Fricke, J. (2004): Thermal transport in straw insulation. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 27, 3, 227-234.

Brandt, R.; Fricke, J. (2004): Acetic-acid-catalyzed and subcritically dried carbon aerogels with a nanometer-sized structure and a wide density range. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 350, 131-135.

Poulis, J. A.; Massen, C. H.; Robens, E.; Reichenauer, G. (2004): General application of Jäntti's method for the fast calculation of sorption equilibrium. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 76, 2, 583-592.

Poulis, J. A.; Massen, C. H.; Robens, E.; Reichenauer, G. (2004): Jäntti's Method for the Fast Measurement of Adsorption Combined with Diffusion. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 218, 2, 245-254.

Poulis, J. A.; Robens, E.; Massen, C. H.; Reichenauer, G. (2004): Application of Jäntti's method to volumetric adsorption measurements. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 76, 2, 579-582.

Reichenauer, G. (2004): New insights and characterization methods through sol-gel derived porous solids. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 21, 2, 117-127.

Reichenauer, G. (2004): Thermal aging of silica gels in water. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 350, 189-195.

Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J.; Manara, J.; Henkel, J. (2004): Switching silica aerogels from transparent to opaque. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 350, 364-371.

Reim, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Körner, W.; Manara, J.; Arduini-Schuster, M.; Korder, S.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (2004): Silica-aerogel granulate - Structural, optical and thermal properties. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 350, 358-363.

Wiener, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Scherb, T.; Fricke, J. (2004): Accelerating the synthesis of carbon aerogel precursors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 350, 126-130.

Zalba, B.; Marín, J. M.; Cabeza, L. F.; Mehling, H. (2004): Free-cooling of buildings with phase change materials. International Journal of Refrigeration 27, 8, 839-849. 

Brandt, R.; Petricevic, R.; Pröbstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2003): Acetic Acid Catalyzed Carbon Aerogels. Journal of Porous Materials 10, 3, 171-178.

Cabeza, L. F.; Svensson, G.; Hiebler, S.; Mehling, H. (2003): Thermal performance of sodium acetate trihydrate thickened with different materials as phase change energy storage material. Applied Thermal Engineering 23, 13, 1697-1704.

Li, W.; Pröbstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2003): Electrochemical behavior of mixed CmRF based carbon aerogels as electrode materials for supercapacitors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 325, 1-3, 1-5.

Marín, J. M.; Zalba, B.; Cabeza, L. F.; Mehling, H. (2003): Determination of enthalpy-temperature curves of phase change materials with the temperature-history method: Improvement to temperature dependent properties. Measurement Science and Technology 14, 2, 184-189.

Mehling, H.; Hippeli, S.; Hiebler, S.; Cabeza, L. F. (2003): PCM-module to improve hot water heat stores with stratification. Renewable Energy 28, 5, 699-711.

Pröbstle, H.; Wiener, M.; Fricke, J. (2003): Carbon Aerogels for Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors. Journal of Porous Materials 10, 4, 213-222.

Zalba, B.; Marín, J. M.; Cabeza, L. F.; Mehling, H. (2003): Review on thermal energy storage with phase change: Materials, heat transfer analysis and applications. Applied Thermal Engineering 23, 3, 251-283. 

Baillis, D.; Arduini-Schuster, M.; Sacadura, J. F. (2002): Identification of spectral radiative properties of polyurethane foam from hemispherical and bi-directional transmittance and reflectance measurements. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 73, 2-5, 297-306.

Cabeza, L. F.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S.; Ziegler, F. (2002): Heat transfer enhancement in water when used as PCM in thermal energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering 22, 10, 1141-1151.

Cabeza, L. F.; Roca, J.; Nogues, M.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S. (2002): Immersion corrosion tests on metal-salt hydrate pairs used for latent heat storage in the 48 to 58 C° temperature range. Materials and Corrosion 53, 12, 902-907.

Ebert, H. P.; Hemberger, F.; Fricke, J.; Büttner, R.; Bez, S.; Zimanowski, B. (2002): Thermophysical properties of a volcanic rock material. High Temperatures - High Pressures 34, 5, 561-568.

Geis, S.; Fricke, J.; Löbmann, P. (2002): Electrical properties of PZT aerogels. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22, 7, 1155-1161.

Haug, I.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (2002): Experimental determination of the solar heat gain coefficient of inside blinds. High Temperatures - High Pressures 34, 1, 117-125.

Li, W.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (2002): Carbon aerogels derived from cresol-resorcinol-formaldehyde for supercapacitors. Carbon 40, 15, 2955-2959.

Manara, J.; Caps, R.; Ebert, H. P.; Hemberger, F.; Fricke, J.; Seidl, A. (2002): Infrared optical properties of semitransparent pyrolytic boron nitride (pBN). High Temperatures - High Pressures 34, 1, 65-72.

Poulis, J. A.; Massen, C. H.; Reichenauer, G.; Robens, E. (2002): A Jäuntti Approach for Quick Calculations of Sorption Equilibria. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 216, 37500, 1123.

Poulis, J. A.; Massen, C. H.; Robens, E.; Reichenauer, G. (2002): The application of Jäntti's method for the fast calculation of equilibrium in case of multilayer adsorption. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 761-767

Poulis, J. A.; Reichenauer, G.; Massen, C. H.; Robens, E. (2002): A Jäntti approach for quick calculations of sorption equilibria. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 216, 9, 1123-1135

Pröbstle, H.; Schmitt, C.; Fricke, J. (2002): Button cell supercapacitors with monolithic carbon aerogels. 7th Ulmer Elektrochemische Tage 105, 2, 189-194.

Reichenauer, G.; Fella, H. J.; Fricke, J. (2002): Monitoring fast pressure changes in gas transport and sorption analysis. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 443-449

Reim, M.; Beck, A.; Körner, W.; Petricevic, R.; Glora, M.; Weth, M.; Schliermann, T.; Fricke, J.; Schmidt, C.; Pötter, F. J. (2002): Highly insulating aerogel glazing for solar energy usage. Solar Energy 72, 1, 21-29.

Weinläder, H.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (2002): Einzelraumregelung als energieeinsparaßnahme. HLH Heizung Luftung/Klima Haustechnik 53, 1, 71,

Weinläder, H.; Pottler, K.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (2002): Angular-dependent measurements of the thermal radiation of the sky. High Temperatures - High Pressures 34, 2, 185-192.

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Beck, A.; Geuder, N.; Drach, V.; Fricke, J. (2001): Energieeinsparpotenziale und energieeffiziente Systeme für Büro- Und Verwaltungsbauten. HLH Heizung Luftung/Klima Haustechnik 52, 11, 28-35,

Biedermann, A.; Kudoke, C.; Merten, A.; Minogue, E.; Rotermund, U.; Ebert, H. P.; Heinemann, U.; Fricke, J.; Seifert, H. (2001): Analysis of heat transfer mechanisms in polyurethane rigid foam. Journal of Cellular Plastics 37, 6, 467-483.

Biedermann, A.; Kudoke, C.; Merten, A.; Minogue, E.; Rotermund, U.; Seifert, H.; Ebert, H. P.; Heinemann, U.; Fricke, J. (2001): Heat-transfer mechanisms in polyurethane rigid foam. High Temperatures - High Pressures 33, 6, 699-706.

Cabeza, L. F.; Illa, J.; Roca, J.; Badia, F.; Mehling, H.; Hiebler, S.; Ziegler, F. (2001): Immersion corrosion tests on metal-salt hydrate pairs used for latent heat storage in the 32 to 36 C temperature range. Werkstoffe und Korrosion 52, 2, 140-146.<140::AID-MACO140>3.0.CO;2-R

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Caps, R.; Heinemann, U.; Ehrmanntraut, M.; Fricke, J. (2001): Evacuated insulation panels filled with pyrogenic silica powders: Properties and applications. High Temperatures - High Pressures 33, 2, 151-156.

Glora, M.; Wiener, M.; Petričević, R.; Pröbstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2001): Integration of carbon aerogels in PEM fuel cells. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 285, 1-3, 283-287.

Mehling, H.; Kuhn, J.; Manara, J.; Brandt, R.; Fricke, J. (2001): Different methods for determining the refractive index of Sio2 glass in the range 1.4-50μm. High Temperatures - High Pressures 33, 1, 35-42.

Petričević, R.; Glora, M.; Fricke, J. (2001): Planar fibre reinforced carbon aerogels for application in PEM fuel cells. Carbon 39, 6, 857-867.

Petričević, R.; Glora, M.; Möginger, A.; Fricke, J. (2001): Skin formation on RF aerogel sheets. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 285, 1-3, 272-276.

Reichenauer, G.; Scherer, G. W. (2001): Effects upon nitrogen sorption analysis in aerogels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 236, 2, 385-386.

Schmitt, C.; Pröbstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2001): Carbon cloth-reinforced and activated aerogel films for supercapacitors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 285, 1-3, 277-282.

Wang, J.; Glora, M.; Petricevic, R.; Saliger, R.; Proebstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2001): Carbon cloth reinforced carbon aerogel films derived from resorcinol formaldehyde. Journal of Porous Materials 8, 2, 159-165.

Weth, M.; Hofmann, M.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (2001): Measurement of attractive forces between single aerogel powder particles and the correlation with powder flow. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 285, 1-3, 236-243.

Weth, M.; Mathias, J.; Emmerling, A.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (2001): The structure of carbon blacks measured with (ultra)-small angle x-ray scattering. Journal of Porous Materials 8, 4, 319-325. 

Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (2000): Thermal conductivity of opacified powder filler materials for vacuum insulations. 5th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference 21, 2, 445-452.

Drach, V.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (2000): Noncontact determination of the thermal conductivity of fibres. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 3, 337-346.

Geis, S.; Löbmann, P.; Seifert, S.; Fricke, J. (2000): Dielectric properties of PZT aerogels. 9th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity 241, 1, 75-82.

Geis, S.; Müller, B.; Fricke, J. (2000): Dielectric constants of SiO2 and RF aerogels measured by a response function method. Journal of Porous Materials 7, 4, 423-433.

Geis, S.; Müller, B.; Fricke, J. (2000): The response function method as a novel technique to determine the dielectric permittivity of highly porous materials. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 545-555

Geuder, N.; Fricke, J.; Körner, W.; Ehrmanntraut, M.; Beck, A. (2000): Heat transfer coefficients of translucent glazing units for daylighting purposes. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 1, 39-45.

Horn, R.; Neusinger, R.; Meister, M.; Hetfleisch, J.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (2000): Switchable thermal insulation: Results of computer simulations for optimisation in building applications. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 6, 669-675.

Klett, U.; Fricke, J. (2000): Characterisation of vanadia-doped silica aerogels. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 565-572

Manara, J.; Brandt, R.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J.; Krell, T.; Schulz, U.; Peters, M.; Kaysser, W. A. (2000): Emittance of y2o3 stabilised zro2 thermal barrier coatings prepared by electron-beam physical-vapour deposition. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 3, 361-368.

Müller, S. G.; Fricke, J.; Hofmann, D.; Horn, R.; Nilsson, O.; Rexer, B. (2000): Experimental and theoretical analysis of the thermal conductivity of SiC powder as source material for SiC bulk growth. ICSCRM '99: The International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 338, I/,

Nielsen, L. V.; Ebert, H. P.; Hemberger, F.; Fricke, J.; Biedermann, A.; Reichelt, M.; Rotermund, U. (2000): Thermal conductivity of nonporous polyurethane. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 6, 701-707.

Petričević, R.; Pröbstle, H.; Fricke, J. (2000): Ultra-thin microporous carbon films. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 361-370

Pröbstle, H.; Saliger, R.; Fricke, J. (2000): Electrochemical investigation of carbon aerogels and their activated derivatives. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 371-379

Reichenauer, G.; Scherer, G. W. (2000): Nitrogen adsorption in compliant materials. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 277, 2-3, 162-172.

Saliger, R.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (2000): Evolution of microporosity upon CO2-activation of carbon aerogels. In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. (Elsevier Inc.), pp 381-390

Springer, R.; Raether, F.; Caps, R.; Manara, J. (2000): In situ measurement of light scattering in porous ceramics during sintering. High Temperatures - High Pressures 32, 4, 385-390. 

Beck, A.; Körner, W.; Gross, O.; Fricke, J. (1999): Making better use of natural light with a light-redirecting double-glazing system. Solar Energy 66, 3, 215-221.

Behr, W.; Haase, A.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1999): High-pressure autoclave for multipurpose nuclear magnetic resonance measurements up to 10 MPa. Review of Scientific Instruments 70, 5, 2448-2453.

Berntsson, O.; Burger, T.; Folestad, S.; Danielsson, L. G.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (1999): Effective sample size in diffuse reflectance near-IR spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 71, 3, 617-623.
Glora, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1999): Non-destructive determination of the rare-gas content of highly insulating window systems. Measurement Science and Technology 10, 7, 592-597.

Gross, O. F.; Beck, A.; Weismann, S.; Steudel, E.; Schank, C.; Fricke, J. (1999): Pearl luster pigments as overheating protection in transparently insulated solar façades. Solar Energy 67, 4-6, 205-214.

Löbmann, P.; Glaubitt, W.; Geis, S.; Fricke, J. (1999): Development of ferroelectric aerogels. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 16, 1-2, 173-182.

Manara, J.; Caps, R.; Raether, F.; Fricke, J. (1999): Characterization of the pore structure of alumina ceramics by diffuse radiation propagation in the near infrared. Optics Communications 168, 1, 237-250.

Napp, V.; Caps, R.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (1999): Optimization of the thermal radiation extinction of silicon carbide in a silica powder matrix. Proceedings of the 1998 7th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 56, 1, 77-85,

Pottler, K.; Haug, I.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (1999): Ventilation engineering. Soil heat exchangers for residential buildings: Measurement, modeling, and application. HLH Heizung Luftung/Klima Haustechnik 50, 10, 48-53+81,

Pottler, K.; Sippel, C. M.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (1999): Optimized finned absorber geometries for solar air heating collectors. Solar Energy 67, 1-3, 35-52.

Weth, M.; Burger, T.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (1999): Flow properties of thermally insulating powders under different atmospheric conditions. Granular Matter 2, 1, 29-33. 

Behr, W.; Haase, A.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1998): Self and transport diffusion of fluids in SiO2 alcogels studied by NMR pulsed gradient spin echo and NMR imaging. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 91-95.

Bock, V.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J. (1998): Influence of monomer and catalyst concentration on RF and carbon aerogel structure. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 69-73.

Burger, T.; Fricke, J. (1998): I. Plenary lectures aerogels: Prodcution, modification and applications. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 102, 11, 1523-1528,

Burger, T.; Fricke, J.; Kuhn, J. (1998): NIR radiative transfer investigations to characterise pharmaceutical powders and their mixtures. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 6, 1-4, 33-40.

Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (1998): Influence of radiative transport on hot-wire thermal conductivity measurements. High Temperatures - High Pressures 30, 6, 655-669.

Ebert, H. P.; Laudensack, B.; Hemberger, F.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J. (1998): Thermal insulations based on carbon black. High Temperatures - High Pressures 30, 3, 261-267.

Fricke, J.; Emmerling, A. (1998): Aerogels - Recent Progress in Production Techniques and Novel Applications. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 13, 1-3, 299-303.

Geis, S.; Löbmann, P.; Fricke, J. (1998): SAXS investigation of morphology changes in lead-titanate aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 226-229.

Klett, U.; Fricke, J. (1998): Gelation of vanadium(V)oxide-triisopropoxide doped silica gels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 238, 1-2, 45-50.

Klett, U.; Fricke, J. (1998): Vanadia-silica aerogels from vanadylacetylacetonate. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 188-191.

Kuhn, J.; Brandt, R.; Mehling, H.; Petričević, R.; Fricke, J. (1998): In situ infrared observation of the pyrolysis process of carbon aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 58-63.

Löbmann, P.; Glaubitt, W.; Geis, S.; Fricke, J. (1998): Monolithic crystalline lead zirconate titanate aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 130-134.

Löbmann, P.; Glaubitt, W.; Müller, G.; Geis, S.; Fricke, J. (1998): Preparation of monolithic crystalline lead titanate aerogels. Journal of Materials Science 33, 9, 2371-2377.

Lorenz, C.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J.; Schmidt, T.; Hilgendorff, M.; Spanhel, L.; Müller, G. (1998): Aerogels containing strongly photoluminescing zinc oxide nanocrystals. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 238, 1-2, 1-5.

Mehling, H.; Hautzinger, G.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J.; Hofmann, R.; Hahn, O. (1998): Thermal diffusivity of semitransparent materials determined by the laser-flash method applying a new analytical model. International Journal of Thermophysics 19, 3 SPEC.ISS., 941-949.

Mehling, H.; Kuhn, J.; Valentin, M.; Fricke, J. (1998): Change of infrared emissivity of metal surfaces during oxidation. High Temperatures - High Pressures 30, 3, 333-341.

Müller, S. G.; Eckstein, R.; Fricke, J.; Hofmann, D.; Hofmann, R.; Horn, R.; Mehling, H.; Nilsson, O. (1998): Experimental and theoretical analysis of the high temperature thermal conductivity of monocrystalline SiC. In Materials Science Forum. (Trans Tech Publications Ltd), pp 623-626

Petričević, R.; Reichenauer, G.; Bock, V.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J. (1998): Structure of carbon aerogels near the gelation limit of the resorcinol-formaldehyde precursor. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 41-45.

Ptatschek, V.; Schmidt, T.; Lcrch, M.; Müller, G.; Spanhel, L.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J.; Foitzik, A. H.; Langer, E. (1998): Quantized aggregation phenomena in II-VI-semiconductor colloids. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 102, 1, 85-95.

Reichenauer, G.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J.; Pekala, R. W. (1998): Microporosity in carbon aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 210-214.

Saliger, R.; Fischer, U.; Herta, C.; Fricke, J. (1998): High surface area carbon aerogels for supercapacitors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225, 1-3, 81-85.

Stark, R. W.; Drobek, T.; Weth, M.; Fricke, J.; Heckl, W. M. (1998): Determination of elastic properties of single aerogel powder particles with the 

Bhattacharya, S. P.; Wall, T. F.; Arduini-Schuster, M. (1997): A study on the importance of dependent radiative effects in determining the spectral and total emittance of particulate ash deposits in pulverised fuel fired furnaces. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 36, 6, 423-432.

Blumm, J.; Henderson, J. B.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J. (1997): Laser flash measurement of the phononic thermal diffusivity of glasses in the presence of ballistic radiative transfer. High Temperatures - High Pressures 29, 5, 555-560.

Bock, V.; Emmerling, A.; Saliger, R.; Fricke, J. (1997): Structural Investigation of Resorcinol Formaldehyde and Carbon Aerogels Using SAXS and BET. Journal of Porous Materials 4, 4, 287-294.

Burger, T.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J.; Weth, M. (1997): Aerogels – Production, properties and applications. KONA Powder and Particle Journal 15, May, 32-42.

Burger, T.; Kuhn, J.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (1997): Quantitative determination of the scattering and absorption coefficients from diffuse reflectance and transmittance measurements: Application to pharmaceutical powders. Applied Spectroscopy 51, 3, 309-317.

Burger, T.; Ploss, H. J.; Kuhn, J.; Ebel, S.; Fricke, J. (1997): Diffuse reflectance and transmittance spectroscopy for the quantitative determination of scattering and absorption coefficients in quantitative powder analysis. Applied Spectroscopy 51, 9, 1323-1329.

Caps, R.; Heinemann, U.; Fricke, J.; Keller, K. (1997): Thermal conductivity of polyimide foams. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40, 2, 269-280.

Caps, R.; Rettelbach, T.; Ehrmanntraut, M.; Korder, S.; Fricke, J. (1997): Development of vacuum super insulations with glass cover and powder filling. ASTM Special Technical Publication 1320, 270-282.

Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J. (1997): Scaling Properties and Structure of Aerogels. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 8, 1-3, 781-788.

Emmerling, A.; Lenhard, W.; Fricke, J.; Van De Vorst, G. A. L. (1997): Densification Behaviour of Silica Aerogels upon Isothermal Sintering. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 8, 1-3, 837-842.

Fischer, U.; Saliger, R.; Bock, V.; Petricevic, R.; Fricke, J. (1997): Carbon Aerogels as Electrode Material in Supercapacitors. Journal of Porous Materials 4, 4, 281-285.

Fricke, J.; Tillotson, T. (1997): Aerogels: Production, characterization, and applications. Thin Solid Films 297, 1-2, 212-223.

Gesele, G.; Linsmeier, J.; Drach, V.; Fricke, J.; Arens-Fischer, R. (1997): Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of porous silicon. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30, 21, 2911-2916.

Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1997): Non-destructive in-situ determination of the rare gas content of highly insulating glazing units. ASTM Special Technical Publication 1320, 61-72.

Hahn, O.; Hofmann, R.; Mehling, H.; Raether, F.; Fricke, J. (1997): Transient heat transfer in coated diathermic media: A theoretical study. High Temperatures - High Pressures 29, 6, 693-701.

Hahn, O.; Raether, F.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Fricke, J. (1997): Transient coupled conductive/radiative heat transfer in absorbing, emitting and scattering media: Application to laser-flash measurements on ceramic materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40, 3, 689-698.

Hofmann, R.; Hahn, O.; Raether, F.; Mehling, H.; Fricke, J. (1997): Determination of thermal diffusivity in diathermic materials by the laser-flash technique. High Temperatures - High Pressures 29, 6, 703-710.

Linsmeier, J.; Wüst, K.; Schenk, H.; Hilpert, U.; Ossau, W.; Fricke, J.; Arens-Fischer, R. (1997): Chemical surface modification of porous silicon using tetraethoxysilane. Thin Solid Films 297, 1-2, 26-30.

Löbmann, P.; Glaubitt, W.; Fricke, J. (1997): Densification and crystallization of lead titanate aerogels. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 80, 10, 2658-2666.

Nilsson, O.; Mehling, H.; Horn, R.; Fricke, J.; Hofmann, R.; Müller, S. G.; Eckstein, R.; Hofmann, D. (1997): Determination of the thermal diffusivity and conductivity of monocrystalline silicon carbide (300-2300 K). High Temperatures - High Pressures 29, 1, 73-79.

Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1997): Gas transport in sol-gel derived porous carbon aerogels. In Proceedings of the 1996 MRS Fall Meeting. (Pittsburgh, PA, United States Boston, MA, USA, Materials Research Society), pp 345-350

Riegel, B.; Hartmann, I.; Kiefer, W.; Groß, J.; Fricke, J. (1997): Raman spectroscopy on silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 211, 3, 294-298.

Saliger, R.; Bock, V.; Petricevic, R.; Tillotson, T.; Geis, S.; Fricke, J. (1997): Carbon aerogels from dilute catalysis of resorcinol with formaldehyde. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 221, 2-3, 144-150.

Sosnowska, I.; Buchenau, U.; Reichenauer, G.; Graetsch, H.; Ibel, K.; Frick, B. (1997): Structure and dynamics of the opal silica-water system. Physica B: Condensed Matter 234-236, 455-457. 

Alviso, C. T.; Pekala, R. W.; Gross, J.; Lu, X.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (1996): Resorcinol-formaldehyde and carbon aerogel microspheres. In Proceedings of the 1996 MRS Spring Meeting. (San Francisco, CA, USA, Materials Research Society), pp 521-525.

Drach, V.; Fricke, J. (1996): Transient heat transfer from smooth surfaces into liquid nitrogen. Cryogenics 36, 4, 263-269.

Drach, V.; Sack, N.; Fricke, J. (1996): Transient heat transfer from surfaces of defined roughness into liquid nitrogen. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39, 9, 1953-1961.

Fricke, J.; Beck, A. (1996): Modern Windows. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 55, 2, 31-50.

Heinemann, U.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (1996): Radiation-conduction interaction : An investigation on silica aerogels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39, 10, 2115-2130.

Löbmann, P.; Gross, J.; Glaubitt, W.; Fricke, J. (1996): Structural investigations on lead titanate xerogels and aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 201, 1-2, 66-75. 

Beck, A.; Körner, W.; Scheller, H.; Fricke, J.; Platzer, W. J.; Wittwer, V. (1995): Control of solar insolation via thermochromic light-switching gels. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 36, 4, 339-347.

Beck, A.; Linsmeier, J.; Körner, W.; Scheller, H.; Fricke, J. (1995): Radiation transport and image transmission through aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 232-237.

Bock, V.; Nilsson, O.; Blumm, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Thermal properties of carbon aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 185, 3, 233-239.

Emmerling, A.; Petricevic, R.; Beck, A.; Wang, P.; Scheller, H.; Fricke, J. (1995): Relationship between optical transparency and nanostructural features of silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 185, 3, 240-248.

Fricke, J. (1995): Superexpansive gels. Nature 374, 6521, 409-410.

Frohnhoff, S.; Arens-Fischer, R.; Heinrich, T.; Fricke, J.; Arntzen, M.; Theiss, W. (1995): Characterization of supercritically dried porous silicon. Thin Solid Films 255, 1-2, 115-118.

Göbel, G.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Dependent scattering effects in latex-sphere suspensions and scattering powders. Waves in Random Media 5, 4, 413-426.

Groß, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Scaling of elastic properties in highly porous nanostructured aerogels. Nanostructured Materials 6, 5-8, 905-908.

Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Thermal expansion of carbon and silica aerogels above room temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 301-308.

Heinrich, T.; Klett, U.; Fricke, J. (1995): Aerogels-Nanoporous materials part I: Sol-gel process and drying of gels. Journal of Porous Materials 1, 1, 7-17.

Kuhn, J.; Gleissner, T.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Korder, S.; Fricke, J. (1995): Integration of mineral powders into SiO2 aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 291-295.

Kuhn, J.; Schwertfeger, F.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Fricke, J.; Schubert, U. (1995): Structural investigations of pyrolyzed organically modified SiO2 aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 184-190.

Löbmann, P.; Glaubitt, W.; Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Preparation and characterization of lead titanate aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 59-63.

Lu, X.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J.; Alviso, C. T.; Pekala, R. W. (1995): Correlation between structure and thermal conductivity of organic aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 188, 3, 226-234.

Pekala, R. W.; Alviso, C. T.; Lu, X.; Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): New organic aerogels based upon a phenolic-furfural reaction. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 188, 1-2, 34-40.

Reichenauer, G.; Stumpf, C.; Fricke, J. (1995): Characterization of SiO2, RF and carbon aerogels by dynamic gas expansion. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 334-341.

Rettelbach, T.; Säuberlich, J.; Korder, S.; Fricke, J. (1995): Thermal conductivity of in-opacified silica aerogel powders between 10 k and 275 k. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 28, 3, 581-587.

Rettelbach, T.; Säuberlich, J.; Korder, S.; Fricke, J. (1995): Thermal conductivity of silica aerogel powders at temperatures from 10 to 275 K. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 278-284.

Saliger, R.; Heinrich, T.; Gleissner, T.; Fricke, J. (1995): Sintering behaviour of alumina-modified silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 186, 113-117.

Zimmermann, A.; Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1995): Constant-Q acoustic attenuation in silica aerogels

Beck, A.; Korner, W.; Fricke, J. (1994): Optical investigations of granular aerogel fills. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 27, 1, 13-18.

Beck, A.; Körner, W.; Scheller, H.; Hauck, S.; Fricke, J. (1994): Recent developments on transparent insulation materials and light switching devices for passive solar energy usage. Renewable Energy 5, 1-4, 446-453.

Beck, A.; Linsmeier, J.; Koerner, W.; Scheller, H.; Fricke, J. (1994): Optical properties of monolithic and granular SiO2-aerogels. Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XIII 2255, 604-615,

Beck, A.; Popp, G.; Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J. (1994): Preparation and characterization of SiO2 two-step aerogels - Code: HP15. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2, 1-3, 917-920.

Heinrich, T.; Tappert, W.; Lenhard, W.; Fricke, J. (1994): Synthesis and properties of mullite and cordierite aerogels - Code: HP16. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2, 1-3, 921-924.

Koerner, W.; Hauck, S.; Scheller, H.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (1994): Light-switching behavior of nonmechanical shading devices. Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XIII 2255, 340-350,

Körner, B. S.; Scheller, P. C.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (1994): PDLC films for control of light transmission. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 27, 10, 2145-2151.

Krauß, O.; Gerlach, R.; Fricke, J. (1994): Experimental and theoretical investigations of SiO2-aerogel matched piezo-transducers. Ultrasonics 32, 3, 217-222.

Zobel, W.; Hetfleisch, J.; Fricke, J. (1994): Measurement of thermal diffusivity with a guarded-hot-plate device using a dynamic method. Measurement Science and Technology 5, 7, 842-846. 

Beck, A.; Hoffmann, T.; Körner, W.; Fricke, J. (1993): Thermochromic gels for control of insolation. Solar Energy 50, 5, 407-414.

Caps, R.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Ebert, H. P.; Fricke, J. (1993): Improved thermal radiation extinction in metal coated polypropylen microfibers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 36, 11, 2789-2794.

Degen, K. G.; Rosseto, S.; Fricke, J. (1993): Heat Transfer in Evacuated Crinkled or Embossed Multilayer Foil Insulations. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 16, 4, 340-355.

Degen, K. G.; Rossetto, S.; Fricke, J. (1993): Heat transfer in evacuated crinkled or embossed multilayer foil insulations. Journal of thermal insulation and building envelopes 16, 340-355.

Emmerling, A.; Wang, P.; Popp, G.; Beck, A.; Fricke, J. (1993): Nanostructure and optical transparency of silica aerogels. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Small Angle Scattering 3, 8, 357-360.

Frank, R.; Drach, V.; Fricke, J. (1993): Determination of thermal conductivity and specific heat by a combined 3ω/decay technique. Review of Scientific Instruments 64, 3, 760-765.

Groß, J.; Schlief, T.; Fricke, J. (1993): Ultrasonic evaluation of elastic properties of silica aerogels. Materials Science and Engineering A 168, 2, 235-238.

Hümmer, E.; Rettelbach, T.; Lu, X.; Fricke, J. (1993): Opacified silica aerogel powder insulation. Thermochimica Acta 218, C, 269-276.

Kuhn, J.; Korder, S.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Caps, R.; Fricke, J. (1993): Infrared-optical transmission and reflection measurements on loose powders. Review of Scientific Instruments 64, 9, 2523-2530.

Lu, X.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J.; Pekala, R. W. (1993): Thermal and electrical conductivity of monolithic carbon aerogels. Journal of Applied Physics 73, 2, 581-584.
Stark, C.; Fricke, J. (1993): Improved heat-transfer models for fibrous insulations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 36, 3, 617-625. 

Beck, A.; Kòrner, W.; Hoffmann, T.; Fricke, J. (1992): Light-scattering investigations of thermochromie gels. Applied Optics 31, 18, 3533-3539.

Buchenau, U.; Monkenbusch, M.; Reichenauer, G.; Frick, B. (1992): Inelastic neutron scattering from virgin and densified aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 121-127.

Degen, K. G.; Rossetto, S.; Reichenauer, T.; Fricke, J. (1992): Investigation of Heat Transfer in Evacuated Foil-Spacer Multilayer Insulations. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 16, 2, 140-152.

Emmerling, A.; Fricke, J. (1992): Small angle scattering and the structure of aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 113-120.

Fricke, J. (1992): Aerogels and their applications. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 147-148, C, 356-362.

Fricke, J.; Emmerling, A. (1992): Aerogels. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 75, 8, 2027-2035.

Fricke, J.; Lu, X.; Wang, P.; Büttner, D.; Heinemann, U. (1992): Optimization of monolithic silica aerogel insulants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35, 9, 2305-2309.

Gerlach, R.; Kraus, O.; Fricke, J.; Eccardt, P. C.; Kroemer, N.; Magori, V. (1992): Modified SiO2 aerogels as acoustic impedance matching layers in ultrasonic devices. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 227-232.

Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1992): Ultrasonic velocity measurements in silica, carbon and organic aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 217-222.

Gross, J.; Fricke, J.; Hrubesh, L. W. (1992): Sound propagation in SiO2 aerogels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91, 4, 2004-2006.

Gross, J.; Fricke, J.; Pekala, R. W.; Hrubesh, L. W. (1992): Elastic nonlinearity of aerogels. Physical Review B 45, 22, 12774-12777.

Heinrich, T.; Raether, F.; Tappert, W.; Fricke, J. (1992): Synthesis and characterization of mullite aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 55-59.

Hümmer, E.; Lu, X.; Rettelbach, T.; Fricke, J. (1992): Heat transfer in opacified aerogel powders. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 211-216.

Kuhn, J.; Ebert, H. P.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Büttner, D.; Fricke, J. (1992): Thermal transport in polystyrene and polyurethane foam insulations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35, 7, 1795-1801.

Lu, X.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Kuhn, J.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J.; Pekala, R. W. (1992): Thermal conductivity of monolithic organic aerogels. Science 255, 5047, 971-972.

Lu, X.; Wang, P.; Arduini-Schuster, M. C.; Kuhn, J.; Büttner, D.; Nilsson, O.; Heinemann, U.; Fricke, J. (1992): Thermal transport in organic and opacified silica monolithic aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 207-210.

Natkaniec, I.; Fricke, J.; Khavryutchenko, V.; Markichev, I.; Muzychka, A.; Ogenko, V.; Reichenauer, G.; Sheka, E. (1992): Water on amorphous silicas: INS study. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 180-181, PART 1, 522-524.

Scheuerpflug, P.; Hauck, M.; Fricke, J. (1992): Thermal properties of silica aerogels between 1.4 and 330 K. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 196-201.

Schlief, T.; Gross, J.; Fricke, J. (1992): Ultrasonic attenuation in silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 223-226.

Stumpf, C.; von Gässler, K.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1992): Dynamic gas flow measurements on aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 180-184.

Wang, P.; Körner, W.; Emmerling, A.; Beck, A.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (1992): Optical investigations of silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 145, C, 141-145. 

Arduini-Schuster, M.; Ebert, H.-P.; Fricke, J.; Caps, R. (1991): Infrared-optical properties of feathers and downs. High Temperatures - High Pressures 23, 2, 135-142,

Ebert, H.-P.; Arduini-Schuster, M.; Fricke, J.; Caps, R.; Reiss, H. (1991): Infrared-radiation screens with very thin metallised glass fibres. High Temperatures - High Pressures 23, 2, 143-148,

Emmerling, A.; Gerlach, R.; Goswin, R.; Gross, J.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J.; Haubold, H. G. (1991): Structural modifications of highly porous silica aerogels upon densification. 8th International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering 24, pt 5, 781-787.

Fricke, J.; Emmerling, A. (1991): Aerogels. Advanced Materials 3, 10, 504-506.

Heinrich, T.; Raether, F.; Spormann, O.; Fricke, J. (1991): SAXS measurements of the condensation in mullite precursors. 8th International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering 24, pt 5, 788-793.

Lu, X.; Nilsson, O.; Fricke, J. (1991): Measurements of thermal conductivity, electric conductivity, and Young's modulus of electrically conducting powder systems. High Temperatures - High Pressures 23, 2, 149-155,

Lu, X.; Wang, P.; Buttner, D.; Heinemann, U.; Nilsson, O.; Kuhn, J.; Fricke, J. (1991): Thermal transport in opacified monolithic silica aerogels. High Temperatures - High Pressures 23, 4, 431-436,

Scheuerpflug, P.; Morper, H. J.; Neubert, G.; Fricke, J. (1991): Low-temperature thermal transport in silica aerogels. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 24, 8, 1395-1403.

Wang, P.; Emmerling, A.; Tappert, W.; Spormann, O.; Fricke, J.; Haubold, H. G. (1991): High-temperature and low-temperature supercritical drying of aerogels. Structural investigations with SAXS. 8th International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering 24, pt 5, 777-780. 

Conrad, H.; Buchenau, U.; Schätzler, R.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J. (1990): Crossover in the vibrational density of states of silica aerogels studied by high-resolution neutron spectroscopy. Physical Review B 41, 4, 2573-2576.

Emmerling, A.; Gross, J.; Gerlach, R.; Goswin, R.; Reichenauer, G.; Fricke, J.; Haubold, H. G. (1990): Isothermal sintering of SiO2-aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 125, 3, 230-243.

Fricke, J. (1990): SiO2-aerogels: Modifications and applications. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 121, 1-3, 188-192. 

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